I really can’t share a lot. And you know that it is so hard to keep a secret. And I have been patient since I finished these designs in September. Tap, tap, tap…patiently waiting. So patient. But the wonderful folks at Windham Fabrics said I could show a little, tiny peek…of my new line of fabric. And this is just a peek. And these are just strike-offs. On my bike.
World, say hello to COLLAGE! (Available for stores from Windham March 2013.) I’ll share so much more when I can. It has been a majorly good experience and I love working with all of the kind and talented people at Windham.
It is fascinating to learn about the process of producing fabric. Did you know that the numbered/colored dots on a fabric’s selvage refer to the actual screens used to print the fabric? Each dot corresponds to one screen. This is a very helpful tool for discussing color and reviewing strike-offs.
By the way, guess who else is releasing a line with Windham at the same time? Super-stah fabric designer/illustrator, Heather Ross. Seriously. See a sneak peek here. I kinda hoard her linens. And then there is the hilarious collection from Amy Sedaris (yes, that Amy Sedaris) called, I Like You. Fabric has never made me do a spit-take before. If you haven’t seen the youtube videos for her book, Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People, you should probably go do that now. Right here. Hot dogs on a rake. And then Lotta Jansdotter is sharing her new loveliness, Glimma. Pretty awesome, this crowd of people. I don’t know. Just typing all that made me feel nervous…
So much more to say. But we will wait, won’t we? Tap, tap….
Eeeekk! Congrats!!!! It looks so super duper lovely!
Hello Collage! SOOO glad to meet you!
LOVE! Yes please.
Lovin’ what I am seein’! Congrats! Can’t wait to see it all and stock it in my new space.
Birmingham, AL
Hi! I met you at the Quilt Festival at Long Beach this past summer – I’m definitely going to stock some of your line in my on-line shop – I REALLY like it, and good luck with it!