The reality is, we spend most of our hours at the LEGO table..at least two hours a day:
Lately, I have been making gardens—carrot trucks, flower vendors—anything natural—because LEGOs are so completely unnatural. I like the contrast. Big boy has been making vehicles. He tends to be more into movable creations than static ones—everything is on wheels…or pontoons…or is a spaceship…or floats…or is made of ice. These days it is all about the little LEGO people. Today, he asked me if I would be the husband. I agreed. I am sad that he now says “wife,” because for the longest time he said it “life.” “I’ll be the husband, you be the life.”
So, while I was there today safeguarding baby girl from ingesting the ten thousand eatable things, I made this sewing machine. Notice the throat plate and feed dogs? And then I used the inside of the smallest wheel for the flywheel- it really turns. There is a spool of red thread on top (I like that it is sitting loosely on a tiny black car antenna…as if the tensioner would adjust the tension just like on a real machine). And one tiny grey light makes the bobbin winder. But the best part is the needle/presser foot—it actually looks real—it is a tiny upside down hammer. The LEGO people have tiny tools. I think it is a Bernina activa 220- what with all the buttons and the computer screen…

Maybe it’s one of these:

That is the coolest lego creation EVER!
Love it!!!! Cannot wait to show my legomaniacs!
Love Legos, love sewing, love Bernina… so naturally, I love this 😀
There is some serious fabulousness going on there!!!
That is super cool. This just made my day! *goes off to find son’s tub of Lego*
Carrie, this is so awesome! I just built a Lego Bernina of my own and linked back to your blog and post right here: http://sewsitall.blogspot.com/2011/07/lego-bernina.html
That, my dear, is just too cute for words!!!! Love it!!!
My son made this for my Mom and she LOVED it. Thanks for sharing!
Love it, it’s gorgeous!
Would you be willing to show all the parts for this so I can buy my parts and make me a Lego sewing machine? I can tell some of the peices, but not all. Please? THank you for at least considering. Bethanie
Wow carmens quilts that put a spot of joy in my spirit that was sooooo cute. I was reading on my phone as I’m trying to sleep that was awesome
My grandson & I are Lego nuts. I wanat one of those. Email me with the parts to make one.
He will love it. I want to make a Lego quilt for
him. Do you have a pattern for one.
<3 <3
So super duper cute. Love it. We have a ton of lego and lots of star wars ships and men with little weapons and weird shaped pieces. I may have to try this!!!
Hi, I tried to reply to your comment by email but it came up as no-reply … anyway, for sure, post my little lego machine on your page … you were the inspiration. I wouldn’t have made mine if I hadn’t seen yours. Cheers, Riel (The Q and the U)
Hey! That is sew cool! I no longer have little ones playing with Legos but I would love to have this Lego Sewing Machine! Have you considered selling these?
Love it! Is it alright to pin this on Pinterest?
I would love a Lego sewing machine for myself as well as a few friends but have no legos. Can you give me the pieces you used so I can buy them. This is fantastic.
love this! i asked my 4 year old to make me one!
Please show us how you made this!!
your my hero!! ;0)
I swear to god I had no idea about this post when I made this:
I just found out about your lego sewing machine through a tumblr post on FofysFactory.
I love coincidences!
(And by the way… YOUR machine? Way cooler than mine :-D)
Here’s another example
Love it, now to raid my old Lego and see if I can find all the parts!!