I was amazed and honored to be featured as an Annapurna Woman over on Carrie-Anne Moss’s gorgeous site, Annapurna Living. Have you seen it? It is a lovely website devoted to sacred motherhood, womanhood, meditation, etc. I see it is a virtual Red Tent–a place for women to go to connect deeply about what matters most.
They asked me about my favorite self-care rituals, mantras, books, and my wisdom from “soulful and embodied living.” Thrilling for me. Truly. Read on and while you’re there, check out the wonderful site.
xo, cb
I just read your interview. Wow, I didn’t know any of that about your life. I read your book a few months ago and found it very inspirational. My life has taken some turns the past few weeks, things that were terrible but I survived and thought I would manage, but then my dad committed suicide last week. I called a therapist today to hopefully get some help working through my anger and grief, but after reading what you went through with your son and marriage I know I can persevere and learn to live again. I have four kids and I’m having a hard time with the stress of meeting their needs and my need to grieve, but your point that the way I talk to them becomes their inner voice really brought me back to my senses. Thank you for the candid look into your life.
Dear Jamie–thanks for your brave, honest sharing here. I am so sorry for your pain. Truly. I’m glad you are getting help from a therapist. We all need that on a good day–and very much during hard times. Sending you love and healing. xo,cb
Dear Jamie–thanks for your brave, honest sharing here. I am so sorry for your pain. Truly. I’m glad you are getting help from a therapist. We all need that on a good day–and very much during hard times. Sending you love and healing. xo,cb
Thank you for your truth in your interview. I, too, refuse to give up. Life is hard. I have to believe there is good in every situation regardless of how desperate I may be feeling at the time. Thank you for reminding me I am not foolish for having faith and that I am not alone.