My new friend, Chicken Julie, just sent me this picture of her freshly quilted Wonky Little House™ quilt! Hers is the very first I have seen (other than mine). And the story behind it is even better than the gorgeous quilt she created with my pattern.
Every year, Julie makes quilts for Quilts for Kids, an organization fueled by “volunteer quilters transforming fabrics into patchwork quilts that comfort children in need.” Their mission is to save the earth and comfort kids at the same time. QFK founder, Linda Arye, noticed a wealth of new, yet discontinued fabrics finding their way to the landfill, so she set out to put them to use. Read the full story here. Contact Quilts for Kids and they will mail you a kit of wonderful fabrics and pattern (at no cost to you) to use to create a quilt for a child facing serious illness or abuse.
This year, Julie made a quilt to donate based on my Wonky Little Houses™ pattern and I am so, so happy to see the results of her efforts. Look at the gorgeous quilt she made. She added a really fun border. And I am honored that the pattern has been put to such good use and will go to an incredible charity for a child in need.
Quilts really are primal in their ability to comfort, aren’t they?
It was my honor and pleasure to use your pattern – I love it so very much!!