Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus orci tellus, eget dapibus mauris condimentum vitae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus orci tellus, eget dapibus mauris condimentum vitae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
I’m excited to be a part of the blog party today for my friend Sam Hunter‘s fun new book, Quilt Talk (Stash Books). I met Sam years ago at the Long Beach Quilt Festival and we connected through our art school pasts. Sam designs patterns for her company Hunter’s Design Studio. We swapped stories and ideas. I always enjoy speaking with her–she has a cool and calm spirit. read more
Time for a blog party to celebrate my new DVD with Interweave, Art Techniques for Quilt Design! woot woot! No matter what we do as creative people, we all need some reminders, tips and techniques to help us enhance our work and design process whether for quilting, sewing or any other form of art expression. My DVD is full of wonderful things I learned in art school and over the course of my life as an artist and painter. These little things can make a big difference in your designs. read more
I put a governor on my woo woo here. Seriously. I do. You know, like how some U-haul trucks have a built-in governor on the motor so we can only go a certain speed and no faster? They do that for our protection. They know we don’t know how to drive that big rented truck anyway and we’d be a liability if we could go as fast as we wanted on the most stressful day of our year–what with all of our belongings in the rear…on moving day…and we’ve gotta get that truck back by a certain time or we’ll get charged. read more
The twelve of you who actually read my blog definitely know that I LOVE COLOR. I am excited to be teaching two classes at the first-ever all-day online sewing conference on November 8th called The Sewing Party! See the event here and be one of thousands to sign up for lots of classes. A whole day of learning costs just $40 (and you have access to the classes for quite a while afterwards). One of my classes is about understanding color and the other is a walk through my upcoming book, The Little Spark–30 Ways to Ignite Your Creativity (which you can preorder now and there is even a LOOK INSIDE peek over on Amazon here). Read about both of my classes here and sign up read more
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To: all the parents of the earth on the day your kids start school in the fall
From: me…today on the day my kids went back to school
We dropped them off, my husband and I. We walked them into their loving classrooms. They were cool. They were fine. They were happy. They knew what to do. Our littlest one started Kindergarten without a hesitation, a misstep, a faltering or a look back. She was born ready for this day. Our oldest sauntered out to play like an old pro. Last year his teacher gave us the best compliment about our son. She said he is on his own form of Valium…that his calmness helps keep the other kids grounded. She said everything is no big deal for him. (I’m sure that is all true at school…but it is a different story at home.) read more
The kids start school tomorrow–so summer officially ends. I just now cried and hugged them on the floor. My daughter starts kindergarten (which is making me cry as I type) and she suggested that I go into her room tomorrow and find some stuffed animals to cuddle while they are in school. But then again, she also said, “Oh, it’s OK because you have so many emails to do and you need to be alone.” She’s actually right. My email inbox is jammed full…I have so many projects to finish and deadlines waiting, but I surrendered it all to summer for the last few weeks and it was good. read more