COLLAGE Party Day 3 :: Ayumi Takahashi

from Pink Penguin here

Social media has its own lexicon of cute superlatives to express all sorts of emotions, good and bad. Favorites include: Swoon. Ack! *Faints.* Le sigh. Arrgh. Woohoo! *squeal*. And my favorite–Woot! But some occasions are so gigantic that you may need an eff bomb. As in: no effing way did that just actually happen! But I am a lady, and a southern belle by birth, and so would never utter those words, and certainly not on my blog. But hold on to your testicles because this is big: Ayumi. Ayumi Takahashi of Pink Penguin (whom you may remember from my post two days ago here about her being one of my original inspirations and reasons for getting into this whole blogging/sewing thang–yes that Ayumi). Anyway, she wrote to me a few weeks ago congratulating me on the line because we have become friends through blogging, and I have posted about her several times here. I have her book, Patchwork, Please!, sitting next to me as I type because I pre-ordered it months ago when I saw that it would be available. Ayumi is modern sewing. She is the breath in the lungs of modern sewing. She is a prescriber, no, the decider (I would say she shares this pole position with awesome Rashida Coleman-Hale) of zakka goodness and all things fabulous… lovely, quirky, & fun piecing–and fresh, use of funky text fabric. She has impeccable taste and skills. She is a total inspiration. And she is nesting! Pregnant with her first baby she really wanted to sew something with Bird Dot in the Paper colorway. So I sent her a huge stack of fabric. (My crafty superhero asked me to send one print, do ya think I’m just gonna send one print?) read more