Getting very excited. We are packing up for Spring Quilt Market 2012 in Kansas City—boxes and bins everywhere. I am really looking forward to seeing the whole sewing world next week! What fun we’ll have. If you’ll be there, come see us.
I’ll be presenting a Schoolhouse talk to shop owners about my brand, merchandising my products, and selecting artful, tonal fabrics for the modern sewinista! Am focusing on one single question for Market:
Umm…do ya know? Hard to be still enough to listen sometimes, isn’t it? But whatever it is…well, what are you waiting for? Shake those tail feathers and go do it, get it, change it, make it, find it, love it. We have to.
Loved your booth at Market! It was one that rocked me back on my heels and we had a great visit. Hope it was a successful venture.
really great question! loved meeting you, seeing your work, and now finding your blog.