How transported are you by Shrinky Dinks? I know. Instant childhood. I love watching them shrink today just as much as I did when I was seven years old. The other day we were making Shrinky Dinks with our cousin and my son requested a Ninja. Ninjas are big around here these days.
I quickly drew this tiny, blocky ninja on Shrinky Dink plastic and punched a hole for a jump ring. Voila! The Tiniest Ninjas were born. And then I kept making them because they are so very much fun to make and so much fun to wear.
So here is the PDF. Print it out and trace it onto a Shrinky Dink sheet. One style is the feminista Ninja princess. She is the one in red. My son told me there’s no such thing as a girl ninja and I told him, phooey and fiddlesticks. I really like the ninja in black- he has mad eyes. For the black ninja, the belt is simply not colored in.