I asked my son if he wanted to sew something with me. First, he drew the plan. And then he said it could be a t-shirt. I have a fresh stack of new fabrics ready to go for my first quilt project (and it happens to be for him)- he chose the placement of the fabrics in his design and we made it happen. He had an old plain t-shirt that worked. He got to push the gas pedal 🙂 Glee. Delight. SPEED! (Note to moms: hard to maintain even tone and cool temper when your child’s foot is controlling the speed of the needle and your fingers are so close…gentle, loving voice becomes rather sharp in this situation…a la drill sergeant…feels like the fuzzy feel-goodness thwarted temporarily by said momentary tone.) I thought he would want to sew the cotton patchwork down to the shirt but he told me that he is the designer and I am the sewer.

Adorable! I recently let my 8 yr-old nephew put the pedal to the metal on one of my last sewing projects, it never occurred to me to turn down the speed on the machine. I’m sure he’ll treasure this shirt, he’s a great designer!
I was so great meeting you today! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for all this craziness!
HOpe to see you agin soon and see all the new things you have come up with!
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