So, it’s day 4 of my creativity challenge! Today you’ll do a simple exercise to see the color around you by using an online color palette generating tool. Breaking color down into fundamental blocks this way is really interesting because it gets you beyond your expectations. For example, in the image of my daughter’s ballet class (below), I knew I’d get a palette of greys and blacks because I know the floor of the dance studio is almost black. But not so! My mind knows the color of the floor, but the camera captured shades of browns because of the reflected light. So it is with our eyes…we learn to see color more clearly when we remove our ingrained patterns of seeing our “ideas” of color and actually looking at what is there. I used It takes just a few seconds! Simply upload an image and drag across it to select the area of the picture you want to match. Click “submit the selection” at the bottom. You can take screen shots to save your palettes. (On a mac, use command + shift + 4 … then use the cursor to select your image).
Besides being fun and addictive, playing with the tools gets you into seeing palettes everywhere. No matter what form your creativity takes, you’ll probably need to work with color at some point. If you have a most favorite image, you can pop it in the Palette Builder and come up with a color scheme that you could use when designing…a painting, quilt…a cake…or even a party or online invitation. Get your inner-designer juices flowing!
Sewing people, you may like to play with the nifty color matching tool called Palette Builder over at here. There you will receive a match to Kona cotton solids so you can order fabric to match the palette in your image. Cool!
I meant to comment on this yesterday, but ended up following the link for the palettegenerator and lost a bit more time than I meant to! 😉 Thanks so much for posting these lovely challenges! I love the idea behind them and I’m hoping to Take The Challenge when I get back from my trip. 😀 Or maybe I should just start on my trip… Regardless, thank you for posting them! And thanks for the play crafts shout out! 😀
I saw you at the Bernina Connection last month when you were lecturing the Modern Quilt Guild and you had spoke about your upcoming book. I know it won’t be out for a while but just wanted to be sure that you would have a post about it and when it will be available. I am thinking I want to buy it for creative inspiration!