So, I was asked about six months ago if my husband and I would like to be included in a show at the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art called Artists and Their Children. I thought it was nice that they included us. My husband is an artist too. We didn’t come up with a plan and just figured it would evolve. Which it has. And because this is a fun opportunity to showcase the beautiful mess that is our family’s creative life, I wanted it to just be playful. So for six months I silently curated the flotsam and jetsam of creative offerings that churn out of the day-to-day. Most things are not actual art objects but instead are creative solutions to homemade toys, which is to say—weapons. I think necessity is the mother of invention and if you don’t give your five year old a light saber he’s gonna make one himself.
I was asked to speak to the docents about my work which really was an honor and made me feel silly as I had to create a PowerPoint presentation and I never have done that before. I felt like a complete doofus but luckily there was another (and very talented and funny) painter there named Randy Slack so we helped each other get through it despite our nerves. Here is an excerpt from what I said:
See the show at SMoCA in the Young at Art Gallery from November 30, 2011 – January 23, 2012.
Duct tape makes the world go round: light sabers and a g-u-n made out of a vinegar bottle… |
Randy Slack’s awesome painting of the Jackson five. See more here. |
My favorite of Randy Slack’s paintings, the ethereal, washy, painterly Mona Lisa. |