We are rather excited about the release of our three newest patterns around here. I wanted to let you know something cool about the Good Karma Quilt pattern: when you purchase the Good Karma pattern, you’ll get good karma! A portion of the proceeds from the sale of every Good Karma pattern goes to benefit one of my favorite local charities, Phoenix Children’s Hospital . Good karma, dudes. Very good karma.

In honor of the release of our new patterns, how about a GIVEAWAY? I’ll send one winner a hot-off-the-presses copy of the Good Karma quilt pattern. Let me know you are here by joining this blog or Facebook as a follower, and if you already have, then just leave a comment here before January 15th at midnight.

…and here is a little quote about karma for us to chew on: read more

New patterns ship this week!

Dear stores, customers, and vendors:

Thank you for your patience! Our three newest patterns (Perfect Balance quilt, Good Karma Quilt, & the Oh, Boy! finger puppets ship this week. Hurrah!

(Unless of course there is an unforeseen delay…which there won’t be…oh, I hope there isn’t! Oh, please… oh, please, no more delays. OK, perhaps we should cross our fingers. Or maybe forward this post to the printer?) read more

The Patterns are here!

Oh, I just love it when a plan comes together. Besides being a ton of work, this pattern business is absolutely so much fun. Even the hard work is fun. But there are exciting moments when months of effort, thought, and coordination come to fruition in one long-awaited PDF. It was all for this. All the designing, sewing, talking, quilting, photographing, more designing, much editing, and then here they are!   read more