The Holidays are here. And here we are. Hours and hours every day at the Lego Table. It is rather peaceful…shared connection, creativity, togetherness, intimacy…just what the holidays are all about. The big boy and his pa have been here for at least 2-3 hours every day during the break making trucks. And I am here, too…usually making something out of the pink bricks. And baby girl busies herself finding heads and hats and walking them over to me to put them together for her. Everyone sits on little stools, sometimes in conversation, sometimes in silent concentration and we all make stuff. The four of us around the old train table. If my memory had a camera set to remember the feeling of the best of days with my young children, I’d hope that it would remember these days…precisely because they are so forgettable. These hours are our abundant currency. Not much really happens for all these hours. There is no drama..no melting down…just plain-old grade A contentment…almost boring, really.
This table is a tip I can offer for any parent of a budding young builder: If you have a train table for your Thomas trains and your little dude has grown tired of doing the train thing every day, clear off the trains…store them away in bins and put all your Legos out there. The lip is awesome because it keeps all the little pieces from falling on the floor.