You know when you do something so often but you don’t identify yourself with it? It is almost under your radar? That’s how teaching is for me. I guide big groups of people on an almost weekly basis through many different topics–teaching kids to draw the figure, grown-ups to paint, vision boards, creativity, color theory, sewing, drawing, collage, and on and on. I wrote a book and made a DVD about creativity. But I haven’t really identified myself as a teacher. Rather, I view myself as a creativity enabler. But to my resumé of life, I think I can finally add one more word–teacher.
For example, did you know I lead corporate creativity events? Me neither. Life is placing many opportunities at my feet and I am deeply grateful. Yesterday I taught my first corporate creativity event to 30 people (more than half of them men). They were brilliant and fearless. Also last week I had 17 brave and willing people in my studio for a painting class. It was a splendid day. Two women flew in FROM OUT OF STATE for it!(Hi Kathy and Colleen!) Wow.
The thing about being on the path–and I write about this in The Little Spark–is that when we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, commonly we can actually feel the universe conspiring to help us succeed–like a tailwind gently pushing us towards our dreams. Doors swing wide on their hinges to make way for us to walk through–into who we are.
That is what it was like teaching yesterday. It was so easy. No obstacles. None. Good pay. High vibrations from the attendees. Love and joy flying all around the room like glitter. It just felt good–and not just to me. I saw it in the people. I kept having to fight back joyful tears as I watched them easily and gracefully step into the creative flow–painting like children with acrylic paint on canvas–unafraid. All I gave them was some structure, the materials and PERMISSION. I gave them a big YES. And so they stepped in to themselves–into the moment. To witness that…it was surprisingly poignant for me–electric even. I felt truly honored to ignite so many Sparks.
After each event or workshop I teach, I don’t feel exhausted or overwhelmed–I feel alive. I feel honored, energized and inspired to witness people looking within and turning on a lamp that may have sat unused for a very long time. That lamp illuminates us from the inside out. That lamp will light the way. That is what The Little Spark is truly about–
Keep me in mind for your next corporate creativity event and please spread the word especially in Phoenix, Arizona! I’ll be posting an updated class schedule of my upcoming workshops soon.
Hi Carrie, what a great addition to life, teaching corporate employees. Aside from that, I wanted to make a request about your blog layout. I wasn’t sure if everyone has this experience, but on my iPad the text lines up so close to the left side of the page that it is hard to read. Any chance you could add a left side margin to add to the ease of reading? I want to read all your ideas so thanks for considering it.