Hello! I’m so excited to announce that Windham Fabrics printed my Newsprint fabric in 108″ wide quilt back cotton and it is zooming to stores near you…in fact it might already be there!
When I created my newsprint four years ago, I made a print that I knew I needed in my own stash. I LOVE newsprint and words and text. At that time, I only had one or two newsprint options (one was a linen which I had bought on etsy and which arrived a month later from China in a little brown paper package covered with lovely markings). But the newsprint fabrics I had seen were filled with inappropriate content…kinda like a real newspaper.
But I sewed for my young kids often and I didn’t want inappropriate or negative words, ideas, or sentiments in pillows on their sweet beds, even though they couldn’t fully read yet. So, I thought I’d just fill my collaged newspaper with only lovely ideas, quotes, and feel-good stuff. I set up the format in my computer and lifted a bulk of the text from my blog posts as filler (because of intellectual property issues, I didn’t want to use anyone else’s words in my print unless quoted). I wanted to make the GOOD news–something that would inspire and delight.
Little did I (or anyone at Windham Fabrics) know how much love this print would receive. You all just TOTALLY GOT IT. You have given this fabric so much love and I’m so grateful.
I put words like BLESSINGS and LOVE in big bold type. I used Anais Nin quotes and so many others and you all felt the love and filled your sewing with it. You have fussy-cut every last corner of it and stuck it meaningfully into your projects. You have used it as an almost low-volume, off-white neutral. And I have been utterly moved by the many hundreds of creations I have seen you create with it. You people amaze me.
We have reprinted this print in off-white (and a few other colors) with every collection since…and don’t worry, we’re still printing it! But now you can get it in 108″ wide for your huge quilt backs or other sewing projects. Head over to the Windham Fabrics style locator HERE and click on the pink text above the newsprint swatch to find out where you can buy yours!
Make sure to follow me on Instagram! Tag me @carriebloomston and use hashtag #newsprintfabric so I can see your creations!
Thank you for supporting me and my work.
Namaste, Carrie B.
Your excited? You can only imagine how we feel!! Can’t wait to get my hands on some.
So excited to find your Newsprint wide quilt backing during a trip to Oregon. I bought enough to finish the backing of my Farm Girl Vintage quilt that I’m finishing the blocks on. I had been thinking about what I would use for the backing and when I saw your Newsprint fabric, I knew that was it!
Wow, love the fact that I randomly picked up yardage of this newspaper print this summer at our mountain local fabric shop as I loved it and it seemed a perfect stash builder for a project yet to be determined. And just as randomly found your site (via Sally Keller’s site) and earned that you are the amazing designer of this incredible fabric!! Congrats on rolling it out to 109′ wide…might just need to use this beauty as the backing for my husband’s WIP quilt!