Day 9 of my Creativity Challenge! I hope you have been enjoying it and finding some freedom and space in yourself for creative expression.
Today, in honor of all you snowed-in people, you will find and make meaning right inside your own kitchen! Look in your junk drawer and pull out 8-10 items–most should have some form of writing although they don’t all need to. Use the writing or images as seeds for your creativity. Grow them by shining the light of your awareness on them. This is really quick and fun. The point is not to write a good poem (although you just might). The point is to exercise your mind and find meaning and magic in the ordinary. Let yourself fall into your poem. Be present with the objects you choose. See what you find. Make meaning from junk.
Honestly, I was really surprised by where mine went. Somehow it became about my dad: the day after his birthday was on a piece of paper, his travels to Turkey because of the Turkish money, his love of the game, his ability to connect, even the hardships of providing and working. Amazing where our hearts lead us if we let them guide us–if we are fully present with inspiration. I love you, dad.