Hello there. Long time no see…or I guess I should say, long time no say because I haven’t posted here in a few months. I hope you are well and good and emerging from nature’s cocoon of winter. Our spring here in the desert has been warm and lovely. The garden bed is singing to me–the heirloom tomatoes ripening, the dill flowers are shoulder high, and the sunflowers are showing us their faces now.
We got a puppy this winter. And she stole my attention. First it was puppy love and then it was Dogmageddon! Ay yi yi. I think my New Zealand wool carpets have remained in tact and have faired well, thanks to Nature’s Miracle! But she is smart and learning lots of things. We love her.
Anyway, there has been much to take my attention including spending the late winter designing my next collection for Windham Fabrics! I have to say it is my favorite yet. But I can’t show you until August so stay tuned. It will release for Fall Quilt Market and ship to stores in winter. (In this one post, I have just mentioned all the seasons by name. Not that I’m keeping track.)
I wanted to let you know that my Whale print is finally available in my SHOP in two sizes–8×10 and 12×16! It keeps selling out everywhere I go, so to celebrate the fact that it is finally in the shop, I’m offering you 20% off using code WHALE through April 17, 2016!
This print was inspired by a Joseph Campbell quote. In his interview with Bill Moyers about his book, The Power of Myth, he said, “…as the Polynesian saying goes, ‘you are standing on a whale fishing for minnows.’ The ground of being is the ground of our being, and when we simply turn outward, we see all of these little problems here and there. But, if we look inward, we see that we are the source of them all.”
I have thought so often of this little quote over the past 20 years. On August 30th, 2015, I painted it. I interpret it a bit differently than Campbell: if we are standing on a whale fishing for minnows, we are rooted in eternal freedom and divine consciousness yet choose to focus on the wrong area…the minutiae. It is part of the human condition. We come in and out of our knowing depending on so many factors–stress, busyness, hormones, doubt, fear, etc. we lose sight of the vastness of our being.
We are standing on unlimited abundance and greatness, yet we are oblivious to it and we still seek the minor, trifling distraction. The small fish. This is such a powerful and beautiful lesson.
Buy my Whale Print HERE. (Receive 20% off using code WHALE.)
Thanks for supporting me and my work. And happy spring!